Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut, all deal with the Microbiome. The microbiome is the next big up and coming thing in health and fitness. Bill Gates has poured millions of dollars into studying the human microbiome. It is believed that a majority of Americans have these ailments to some degree due to the overpopulation, depleted farm soil, non-nutrient dense food, Big Pharma Drugs, antibiotics, pollutants, food additives and preservatives which have potentially wreaked havoc on the modern human microbiome.
Dr. Rocker’s formulas are designed to support a healthier microbiome. Within our protocol we have a diet plan as well as supplements that you follow. You simply order the food and supplements, which are intended to support a healthier microbiome. 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates said, "All disease begins in the gut" and we believe he is correct.
Have you ever seen an old picture of your Grandparents or old family pictures and noticed everyone was thin and fit. What happened? Nobody worked out. Nobody watched their diets. How were they fit? Also, there were no psychiatrists or big Pharma drugs back then. There was not much depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder. Nobody was on valium or Prozac or any other big pharma drugs for high blood pressure or mental illness because they didn’t exist back then.
Just go to the beach or the Mall and look around, notice how overweight everyone is. The average male weight in 1960 was 166 pounds and the average female weight was 140 pounds. Today the average male weight is 200 pounds and 164 pounds for a female. So, a female is now the weight of a male in 1960. How did this happen? We think it’s in the gut. Overpopulation, Depleted farm soil, non-nutrient dense food, Big Pharma Drugs, antibiotics, pollutants, food additives and preservatives may have wreaked havoc on the modern human microbiome. This could lead to inflammation and poor gut health which might lead to obesity and disease.
Just look at how healthy everyone was in 1945 in the picture to the side, also look at the first body builder, Eugen Sandow. Eugen Sandow is the guy on The Mr. Olympia Trophy today. He was a pioneer in health and fitness. Eugen didn’t have any steroids, gyms or supplements because they didn’t have them back then. Back in 1887 they didn’t have preservatives, added hormones or Big Pharma drugs. All Eugen had was pushups, sit ups, dumbbells, barbells and clean, healthy food.